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"Community Through Soccer"


Founded in 2020, Philmont FC strives to provide high level training and competition through an emphasis on player development, both on and off the field. Based on the global professional football academy model, the program emphasizes individual and team development through technical, tactical, physical, and mental aspects of the game. Coaches create specific short- and long-term goals for the individual and the team based on age and current ability.


Youth sports afford the opportunity to teach various skills to children of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds; a reality that Philmont FC takes very seriously. We firmly believe that positive change, both within and beyond our community, can truly begin with our program and the very lessons instilled within our players. These lessons are not only limited to sportsmanship, competition, or "soccer IQ". The values of the program are continuously reinforced and displayed by the players, parents, coaches, and administrators that proudly represent Philmont FC. To not constantly strive to set the best example is to fall short of our standard and fail to serve our mission statement. 


Furthermore, this program represents more than just the status quo. The future favors the innovator and so while our foundation is based on successful models from around the world, we constantly seek ways to improve how we operate and deliver on our promises to our players, families, and community. Through our multidisciplinary approach, we are truly able to efficaciously provide a one-of-a-kind experience that is fully aware of the various "systems" that factor into the life experiences of our players.


For more information regarding our program, its mission statement, and how it is part of the revolution of youth soccer, please feel free to explore the additional pages found within the top banner of this website! You may also follow us on various social media platforms using the buttons found on the right hand side of this page (these buttons also appear on every page within this site; however, this feature may only be visible on desktop)!

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